As a webmaster, ranking and maintaining a website in the top positions of SERP is not an easy task. Every aspect must be thought through if you plan on developing and maintaining a website. And if you want to use SEO proxies to rank, you must take into account certain aspects. Because using private proxies for SEO will not guarantee better rankings. First, you must know how to use private proxies for SEO and then you must learn how to use them efficiently. This is why, in this article, we are going to show five ways to make your SEO use effective. Moreover, you must take them into account even if you plan on using ten or hundreds of SEO proxies.
1. Use SEO proxies only when needed
The number one rookie mistake that most webmasters make is to use SEO proxies every time they run an SEO campaign. Unfortunately, this will not result in a better rank. Using private proxies every single day will not guarantee rank improvement for your website.
There are other aspects you must take into account. And one of them is that you do not need to use your SEO proxies always. Therefore, if you buy SEO proxies with the intent of creating backlinks, do not use them every day. If the number of backlinks you are posting is too high for a short period of time, Google and other search engines could flag your domain as spam. Thus, using SEO proxies without a clear strategy could even decrease the ranking of your website. So the solution is to use SEO proxies only when needed.
2. Plan your SEO proxies use
What are SEO proxies? These are private proxies allocated and used to scrape search engines and post backlinks to niche-relevant websites. And while they are anonymity tools, you shouldn’t use them on a permanent basis.
This is why you must plan your SEO proxies use. And as mentioned in the first part, you shouldn’t always use them. Moreover, you shouldn’t even start using private proxies for SEO without a clear strategy and „plan of attack”. Therefore, before even starting to use SEO proxies, you must outline your use of your proxies and at the same time build a viable strategy with clearly-defined steps that need to be taken.
3. Test and experiment
In the SEO world, nothing is what seems to be. While search engines say and advocate something, their crawlers index other staff. Therefore, the best thing to do when using private proxies for SEO is to experiment and test every aspect of their use.
You can test and experiment stuff like the number of proxies necessary for a certain task, throttle limits, block limits or threads per proxy. Thus, after you have defined your strategy for using SEO proxies, start experimenting with a small batch of your proxies. Do not start your aforementioned strategy without testing both your proxies and their limits. Because in this way you will be able to quantify the limits of your SEO proxies and better adjust your proxies use.
4. Buy SEO proxies packages
Yet another mistake made by most webmasters. They want to use private proxies for SEO tasks, yet they do not buy SEO proxies. Instead, they look for the cheapest shared proxies available at proxy providers. However, this is not how you should buy or use private proxies for SEO.
Webmasters must look for and buy SEO proxies if they plan on using private proxies for SEO task. The main reason is that SEO proxies are specially allocated to be used for SEO tasks, whereas other private proxies might be blocked by search engines, thus limiting the connections available through private proxies. Thus, affecting their use and efficiency.
5. Automate only a part of SEO proxies use
If you shouldn’t use your SEO proxies on a permanent basis, then you shouldn’t use your SEO proxies to automate every step. Because automating every aspect of SEO proxies use could lead to faulty behavior and links flagged as spam. Therefore, the best thing to do is to automate only certain parts of SEO proxies, such as scraping and searching for certain domains. But then switching to manual submission and proxies use when submitting links through your SEO proxies. Moreover, you can even divide your SEO proxies into two categories. With the first category, you can scrape search engines, while with the rest of your SEO proxies you can post comments with links in them. In this way, search engines and webmasters will not be able to draw a connection between your scraping and link posting.
Wednesday, December 27, 2017