There are various ways in which a private proxy can impact the outcome of your project. And a terrible way in which private proxies can impact your project is if they are slow proxies. The speed issue of your proxies can cause damages to your project and its outcome. And it is important to understand them beforehand. And when, by any chance, you have issues with your private proxies' speed, you should be able to recognize it and change your proxies as soon as you can.

How to test a private proxy’s speed?

There are several ways in which you can test a proxy’s speed. However, the most relevant one is to use an Internet connection speed test available online. There are several websites which can allow such tests.

The only thing you should consider is that when performing such a test, the testing website should display the private proxy server's location. Otherwise, it will check only your system’s connection and not the private proxy’s one. Needless to say that you need to perform the private proxy’s speed test through a web browser. And each private proxy should be checked individually, one IP at a time.

Is the speed relevant?

Alongside with the proxy’s ability to connect to the desired website, the next major decision factor of using a proxy is the server’s speed. Moreover, not being able to maintain a decent speed, a private proxy can cause more harm to your project then good.

This is why we consider a private proxy’s speed a deciding factor when buying private proxies or changing proxy providers. And this item should be on your list as well. You need it and you should be able to test it and gauge your results.

Furthermore, let’s consider a few factors in which the speed of private proxies is important.

Slow private proxies are not able to connect

On certain online platforms, using private proxies is not prohibited, but using a slow private proxy will not allow you to connect to the online platform. Moreover, on certain online platforms, for security reasons, your account could be disconnected after a period of time if no active connection is not kept running for a certain period of time.

Slow private proxies, slower projects

Another issue that is caused by slow private proxies is that is slowing your projects outcome. Because if each query performed through the private proxy takes several seconds instead of a few ones, the project’s findings and the outcome could be delayed.

For example, if you set a scraping tool through private proxies, and if each query instead of taking a couple of seconds, actually takes 10 seconds, your project’s outcome could be delayed five times. Especially if you had to perform a certain number of queries.

Slow proxies can cause a lot of stress

This is a factor neglected by many. Private proxies can cause a lot of stress if you need them to function at a certain speed. For example, if you use private proxies to stream Netflix outside the United States, a slow proxy will not be able to stream in time all data to keep the movie buffering without any issues. And this can lead to a lot of stress.

Slow proxies and virtual private servers – a terrible combination

For privacy and security reasons some users will install certain tools and software on a virtual private server. However, this setup can cause a lot of stress and pain if the proxies used are slow. First, a connection to a VPS is rather slow and lagging. Second, by connecting the VPS to the Internet through private proxies, the returned results to your system will double the rate and reduce the setup’s speed considerably.

Loss of business due to slow proxies

This is the worst outcome that slow private proxies can bring on your project. Because the inability to connect to an online service can reduce the number of outcomes your project can generate. Thus, it will reduce also the number of opportunities. And this will lead to loss of business and possible lower generated income. For example, sneaker proxies users and those looking to use their proxies on auctions, where the purchase or bidding time is crucial, will not be able to run their project’s at full speed. And this will certainly result in losses and lower profits. 

 Sunday, December 3, 2017

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