Why would anyone use gaming proxies for their gaming experience? A proxy will spoof your real location and might slow your connection. So, there is no benefit in using a public or private proxy server for gaming. However, there are two major situations in which using proxies for gaming is imperative. In these two situations, one needs gaming proxies to either be able to access the gaming servers or to protect his progress and game account. In this article, we are going to show what are gaming proxies and why one needs to use them.



What are gaming proxies?


Gaming proxies are private proxies used to connect to gaming servers. They are used in online games such as World of Warcraft or Pokemon GO. Moreover, these proxies are virgin ones, meaning they have never been used before. Thus, any account connecting through such proxies will be protected and will avoid any possible bans or blocks.


In addition, the proxies used for gaming are private proxies and the player purchasing a gaming proxies package is the sole user of these proxies. In this way, the proxy provider makes sure the buyer receives working proxies for his needs. And the gamer can protect his accounts and connect safely and securely to any server in the world.


It is worth mentioning that IPLease’s gaming proxies offer a great technical profile, with 99.99% uptime and high-speed servers. Anyone using IPLease’s gaming proxies will not notice the difference between his regular connection and diverting his traffic through a gaming proxy.


There are two major ways in which gaming proxies are used by gamers. First, these proxies can be used for their personal gaming experience. And second, gaming proxies are used to connect accounts which are later sold.



Use gaming proxies to bypass local networks


The first major way of using gaming proxies it to bypass firewall of local area networks. The firewall is enforced on certain networks in which the gamer might find himself.


For example, university campuses do not allow certain games on their network. In other words, they block the connection to gaming servers for some or most online games. Thus, any student trying to connect to gaming servers to play online will not be able to simply bypass the university campuses firewall.


However, with a bit of technical savvy, students can bypass these firewalls and play their favorite games, even from their dorm rooms. They can do this by using gaming proxies.


All they need to do is use a simple tool like proxyfier and divert their game’s connection through private proxies for gaming. Therefore, even if the university blocks the access the gaming server’s IP, students will first connect to the gaming proxies’ IP. And the proxy server will then establish the connection with the gaming one. Therefore, even under intense monitoring, nobody will notice students playing their favorite games online.



Buy gaming proxies to make money


The other major use of gaming proxies is to develop gaming accounts to be sold at a later date. This can be achieved by using emulators and gaming proxies for each account developed.


There are many players who do not have the patience, nor the time to develop accounts in games such as Pokemon GO and Word of Warcraft. But they still want to enjoy these games. Therefore, instead of being forever stuck in the first level of the games, they buy developed accounts and start playing through these accounts.


The accounts’ creators, to protect each individual account, use gaming proxies. They simply develop several accounts from the same PC or server. Which they can later sell to players lacking the time to reach higher levels in their favorite game.


These developed accounts can be bought and sold on dedicated marketplaces. Here buyers will find accounts in almost all online games. Moreover, they can buy accounts in all stages of development. From accounts with lower skills and little development to more expensive accounts with a higher reputation and power.



Buy gaming proxies for Pokemon GO


Even if this is not a major use of gaming proxies. And not many people buy gaming proxies for Pokemon GO, we decided to include it on this list.


For those unable to roam the city hunting for Pokemon, gaming proxies are the only option in playing the game and catching rare Pokemon. All you have to do is to install a game emulator on your smartphone and set your connection through a gaming proxy. And you will be able to play Pokemon GO from the comfort of your living room. In addition, if you are located in a restricted area, you will still be able to catch Pokemon in big urban areas by using gaming proxies.



 Saturday, September 30, 2017

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